10 Zoom Icebreakers for Any Group

We’ve all been on hundreds of Zoom calls in the last year and are always looking for ways to make the next call a little different! Why not try these games to break the ice during your next session?! 

1 - Scavenger Hunt
Choose a theme or letter and give everyone two minutes to find as many things in their house that match the theme or begin with that letter. Play some music to make it more fun.

2 - Pass the love
Choose half the group to start with ‘the love’ - this could be those with birthdays that fall from January - June, by name, or any other criteria relevant to your group. They choose to pass ‘the love’ on to someone who is connected to them on their zoom screen either stretching to the side, above or below. Participants watch to see where ‘the loves’ are on the screen and stretch and move to pass it on when it comes to them. Who they pass it to will vary on everyone's screen, but the premise is that if you are passed ‘the love’, then you pass it on again. A physical warm up, focus game and connection exercise all in one! 

3 - Tongue in Cheek
Write the name of the person on in the window to your right on inside your left cheek using your tongue. Then write the name of the person in the window below you on your right cheek using your tongue. This is a great way to get the tongue relaxed and warmed up, and generates a few giggles too! 

4 - Would You Rather
Ask a series of ‘this or that’ questions with two options. E.g. “Would you rather be a frog sized car, or a car sized frog?” Participants answer by doing one of two movements that you suggest (such as shimmy for the first option and rolling their arms for the second). It’s a great way of getting to know the group in a visual way! 

5 - Anybody Who
Everyone starts with their camera off. The leader states ‘Anybody who…’ and a statement like ‘likes chocolate’. Anybody who agrees with the statement turns their camera on and does an optional related movement (for example, eating a chocolate bar). Theme the questions to what you are exploring in your session, swap leaders, or invite participants to write possible questions in the chat; this way you can include things they are interested in and it’s a great way to learn about each other.

6 - Copy Cat
Everyone picks someone else to copy. Without making any unintentional movements, participants should watch the person they are copying and move in any way they do, including tiny movements or adjustments they make. Participants can swap to copy other people whenever they like. At the end, everyone can guess if people were copying them and what that felt like.

Create a bingo sheet where participants can tick off words and phrases said during during a call. When a line is completed, participants either unmute and say 'BINGO' or write it in the chat! Bingo word ideas include; “Great work!”, “Yay”, “Well done”, “Awesome”, “Right”, “Hi!”, etc. You can adapt the words to your group and the phrases you often use. 

8. Chat Questions
A weekly ice breaker/ question for everyone to drop an answer to in the chat at the beginning of the session (or allow unmute for a more casual conversation with a smaller group). Some inspiration includes
“What did you have for lunch today?”
“What song have you been listening to on repeat lately?”
“What's the TV show you're loving right now?”
“If you could have a super power, what would it be?”
“What would you do if you won £10m?”
“Anyone cooked or baked a new recipe this week?”
”Share some good news”
”What have you done this week that you’re proud of?”
“If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?”
This can fill the awkward time where people are still joining the call, and connect people through sharing thoughts, feelings and ideas. 

9 - Drawing Challenge
Someone on the call is sent a random image by the leader. They then have to describe that image to everyone on the Zoom who has one minute to draw it on a piece of paper. Everyone holds up their picture (while the original is shown) and everyone enjoys how the pictures turn out! You can choose a winner for the best (or worst!) likeness! 

10 - I Spy...
Participants ‘spy’ things in people’s screens (e.g. a blue painting) and others have to locate whose screen the item is within. Whoever guesses correctly chooses the next item to spy. This encourages people to engage with the visual images in front of them and, if people are willing to share a little bit about any objects spied on their screen, find out a bit more about each other.

What are your favourite Zoom icebreakers? Share them in the comments below!