Our Favourite Singing Quotes

At Starling Arts we love a good quote that makes us reflect on why we love singing so much!

Here are a few of our favourites:

Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought.
— E.Y. Harburg

Ah, the perfect synergy of heart and mind found in a song. Acclaimed lyricist Yip Harburg, who gave us words to The Wizard of Oz and countless other Tin Pan Alley songs, hits the nail on the head with what a song can deliver.

Those who wish to sing always find a song.
— Swedish Proverb

Singing, just like life, isn’t always easy, but this Swedish proverb shows how there's always a song for anyone who seeks it...

It does not need to be perfect - or technically correct - to be magic
— Rasheed Ogunlaru

Coach and author Rasheed Ogunlaru's quote is perfectly suited to the world of community singing. The voice - or result of a choir singing together - doesn’t have to be flawless to produce a magical effect. The best moments come from singing together, and sometimes it really doesn’t matter what that sounds like - the feeling is much more important! Our choirs certainly follow this ethos!

He who sings scares away his woes
— Miguel de Cervantes

It's almost impossible not to feel at least a little bit better about the world after a good sing. Offering solace, escapism and the chance to uplift, singing is a great way of beating the blues.

Music replays the past memories, awaken our forgotten worlds and make our minds travel
— Michael Bassey Johnson

Have you ever got so entranced singing along to a piece of music that you've momentarily forgotten about the real world and any problems that go with it? Music has an incredible power to make us go beyond our own barriers, and explore other possibilities.

Blessed is the nightbird that sings for joy and not to be heard
— Marty Rubin

You'd be forgiven for thinking that in today's X Factor world, only people who love the limelight - and are 'worthy' of it - should be entitled to sing. But music should be about joy, not just being heard for the sake of it.

We sing because we can’t speak anymore
— Kristen Chenoweth

Building on the theory that musicals are so successful because the music lets us communicate what cannot be said with language alone, broadway actress Kristen Chenoweth illustrates that music can go where other mediums of communication stop.


What are your favourite quotes about singing and music? Share them with us below! 

Want to find out more about our approach to singing the way to happier, healthier communities? Take a look around our site to get a feel for what we do and contact us if you’d like to know more about our work.